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Bootcamps & Clinics
@ Sports Basement Presidio

Clinics are held at Sports Basement Presidio's community room @  610 Old Mason Street, across from Crissy Field. 


Taste of Pickleball 


Are you CURIOUS to see if the fastest growing sport in America is for you? Our single 75-minute clinic may be just right for you. We would love to show you our passion, one dink at a time! Fridays at 10:30am.


The Kitchen Game


Let's play in the kitchen. Slow down the pace of the ball and take control of the game. Try to outdink your opponents and master shot selection.  75 minute clinic. Mondays at 3:30pm 


The Transition Game


Focus on serves, returns and how to properly transition and position yourself on the court with your partner. Should I drive, drop the 3rd shot?  When should we move up to the kitchen line?  75 minute clinic.  Thursdays at 10:30am.


Beginner Bootcamp


3 hour boot camp. This is designed for those NEW to pickleball. Focus on basic strokes, serves, returns, rules, scoring and positioning on court to get you playing with your friends.


Advanced Beginner Bootcamp


3 hour bootcamp. This is for players who know how to play pickleball. Students will focus on consistency. Drills will cover dinking, shading, serves, serve returns, volleys, 3rd shot drop or drive, resets, shot selection and refine stroke mechanics.


Intermediate Bootcamp


3 hour bootcamp. This is designed for players who play regularly and want to improve their Pickleball IQ. Understand the "whys" and "whens" on offensive and defensive strategies, spins, slice, resets, lobs, intentional dinking.

Connect with Us

What are you interested in?

Thanks we're all good...see you on the courts!

[email protected] | 415-818-1339
Monday (Closed) | Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday (5pm-8pm) | Friday (1pm-4pm) | Saturday/Sunday (9am-5pm)

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Sports Basement Presdio

610 Old Old Mason St, San Francisco, CA 94129

Church of Pickleball
554 Fillmore St, San Francisco, CA 94117

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